In a world where there are so many options and choices, acquiring customers or new customers might be easy but to make them come back is the real deal. Here are some tips and strategies to keep your customers coming back for more:
1) customer service
Beyond the regular courteous smiles and hello, customers want you to know them by their names and exactly what their preferences are without mis-taking them as someone else; make it personal yet professional.
Go the extra mile in being prompt and timely, products or services requested should be delivered at exactly when needed and if otherwise, kindly inform ahead and get their consent.
Those little gestures matters too, resolving issues as soon as possible sometimes beyond the protocols, they'll surely want to come back. Ensure the(your) staff or team as the case maybe, exceeds expectations and equipped with the skills to deliver exceptional services anytime.
2) complaints and feedbacks
They come in various forms, whichever form yours comes with, do not ignore. Treat as a gift, they ain't burdens, it would only make your output better not demeaned.
Pay close attention to their needs, concerns and suggestion, address pain-points and personalize your approach.
3) Be intentional
Give discounts randomly, exclusive offers, rewards and so on just to make them feel important. Send gift cards, hand written notes, anniversary thank-you notes and even surprise gifts. It shows you're intentional about them.
Finally, build trust in most possible ways ever, customers need to be comfortable and confident in spending their money on your product or service, be recommendable. Market is so competitive where other options abound and yet you have to keep them coming back for more.